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Filtered Portfolio Gallery Installation Guide


If you don't already know, HubXpert has a lot of published and developing modules in the marketplace. One of them is the "Filtered Portfolio Gallery" module, which you can find here.​

This page will guide you through the installation process. So, let's begin: 

First, get to the module marketplace

If you haven't already, visit this link to get the module.​​ You can read all features this module has, which is a lot!

Second, Select the Account

If you have multiple accounts, select the account where you want to install the module

Third, Configure the Module

After selecting the account, you will be taken to the module configuration page. Follow the instructions to configure the module according to your needs.

Finally, add the module to your page

Once the module is installed and configured, you can add it to your page.​

Go to the page where you want to add the module, and click the "+" icon to add a new module. Select our module from the list of available module.

Usage Guide

Now that you have installed the guide, let's see how you can use it and change it to your own style:

Content Customization

​Portfolio items from a repeating group, comprising the "Portfolio Gallery" and "Projects" repeater field. Within the Projects repeater group, you'll find the  Project link, Project image and Title,  Subtitle. Projects are smartly filtered based on the chosen menu. When hovering over a project image, the title and subtitle are displayed.


Style Customization:


Customize every detail! Change module background, header text style & color. Design menus with custom fonts, colors, radius, and selection styles. Adjust project image size, spacing, and borders. Choose fonts & colors for titles & subtitles.

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